
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fresh Peach Pie

My oldest started Kindergarten last week.  I didn't cry.  I know that probably makes me a bad mom, but it was a happy day for both of us. He has been so ready for so long and really it's only 3 hours a day so it's not real school anyways.  It is weird to drop him at school and have my other little one all to myself for a few hours.  When I say weird I do mean weird, but I also mean reallynice.  A piece of me is missing while he's gone but I find I'm also a better mom (and way more patient) with one kid rather than two. 

Being a mom of an elementary schooler is weird as well.  I have to do adulty things like fill out forms and go to back to school night. Don't they know I'm not old enough for that?

I worry about kids leaving him out, or hurting his feelings, or calling him a nerd.  When you become a parent you think the hard part is going to be waking up 9 times every night or hauling a car seat on vacation.  Turns out the hard part is so much more than that.  It's all those fears and worries and the realization that they will never go away and there will always be things you cannot fix.

On a completely different note- Peach is one of my favorite flavors of the summer. There is a little farm stand just down the street from my house and I can't help but overload on peaches, melons, and fresh corn.  I know it is almost time for pumpkin so I've gotta enjoy them while I can! This recipe is one to make as a last minute summer hurrah, or you can tuck away some peaches in the freezer and make this pretty pie for Thanksgiving.  

Happy Thursday!

Fresh Peach Pie
Recipe adapted from Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook

-Double Pie Crust (Store-bought is fine if you're not up for making the crust)
-About 10 fresh peaches, peeled and sliced (2.5 pounds prepared)
-1/4 cup Minute tapioca granules
-3/4 c sugar (up to 1 cup sugar if your peaches are not very sweet.)
-1/2 tsp cinnamon
-1/2 lemon (for juice)
-1 egg, beaten (for wash)
-2 Tbsp butter
-Large granuled sugar, for sprinkling

Press one rolled out pie crust into the bottom of a 9-inch pie plate.

Brush the bottom of the pie crust with the beaten egg.  (This will keep it from getting soggy.)

Put sliced peaches into a large bowl and toss with Minute tapioca, sugar, cinnamon, and a few squeezes of fresh lemon juice.  Pour into the pie crust.

Cut butter into pea sized pieces and dot over the top of the peach filling.

Top pie with second pie crust and pinch edges to seal.  Cut about 8 large vents into the top of the pie crust.

Brush top of pie with an egg wash (just use the leftover beaten egg, and add a couple tsp of water).  Sprinkle generously with large granuled sugar, for sparkle.

Place pie plate on top of a cookie sheet to bake (just in case fruit bubbles over).

Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes to an hour, or until fruit is bubbling.  Mine took over an hour.  If the edges of the pie crust start to brown too quickly you can cover them with foil while the rest of the pie finishes cooking.

Serve warm with vanilla bean ice cream.


  1. You're so right about the hardest part. I worry every day about the teasing or the homework or the struggles!!

    The crust on this pie is PERFECT!

  2. that pie is seriously beautiful!
