
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Slime Rims

In case you're not in a Halloween-y mood yet, I decided to make it my personal mission to get you ready before October even rolls around. 

I mean, what's not fun about eating candy for a month, chasing your children around Target wearing assorted zombie and Voldemort masks, and decorating your porch with rotting vegetables?  

It's really okay for it to last longer than a month.

I used melon flavored Powerade for the drink above but you can use any drink you want with these fun slime rims.

During our Africa unit I made the kids some "swamp punch" (read: layered grape juice and green Powerade) complete with worms, and slime rims.  They were a hit and sufficiently creepy to convince them that swamps are gross.


Now that I think about it they may visit Africa someday and be confused when they realize real swamps are not filled with juice and gummy bugs and sugary slime.

It's so hard to be a kid.

Happy Halloween Season!