Luckily my husband *is* tech savvy, and gave me a great early Christmas gift today...
a Facebook button! See it right there on the right? That's right, Dip It In Chocolate finally has Facebook. Many thanks to those who commented or emailed that they would like to follow via Facebook. I always appreciate your feedback and since I kinda have a big head, I'm pretty much flattered.
I would be delighted if you would follow me. Especially since I only have like 3 followers right now and feel like the kid who nobody will sit by at lunch cause him mom always packs him tuna or curry or something else that stinketh by lunchtime. I know this might be hard to believe, but it's kinda awkward writing statuses when you know only your mom is reading them.
In other news, hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Anybody got pie left?
I'll be right over.