
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cinnamon Honey Butter

The thing about being a stay at home mom (or stay-in-bed mom if you're Lindsay Bluth) is everyone expects you to be all domestic.  They expect you to bake your own bread, and sew your own Halloween costumes and scrapbook every time your child picks their nose.  Well... when we first got married, I was not domestic-like.  At all.  I called my mom on more than one occasion asking how to bake a potato. 

I'm working on all that domestic-goodness, but if you, like me, struggle with domesticity (say it out loud.  it's fun.)... just whip up some of this butter.  It takes five seconds.  (Well probably like 5 minutes).  And then you can tell everyone you made your own butter.  Personally I told my mom I churned it myself from the cow I milked out back, but if you're not a high-roller, you can leave that part out. People will still be impressed and want to be you.

PS-I made this because somebody on Pinterest claimed it's just like Texas Roadhouse honey butter.  Moral of the story- do not trust strangers on Pinterest.  It doesn't taste exactly like TR honey butter... but it's pretty dang good. I found it a bit strong on the honey flavor, but I have a bit of an aversion to honey. Probably cause when I was little my sister always told me it was bee's barf. While I was eating it.

Now that you're salivating... feel free to try some honey butter.

Cinnamon Honey Butter
Recipe from Allrecipes
-2 sticks butter, at room temperature
-1 cup powdered sugar
-1 cup honey
-2 tsp cinnamon

Use the whisk attachment of a mixer to whip your butter up nice and good. Add sugar, then honey, then cinnamon.  Whip it good.  Then whip it better. Whip the life out of it. 

Spoon into small canning jars and keep in the refrigerator.  If you have millions of jars, feel free to freeze some of them.

I like to take this out of the refrigerator about 30 minutes before using so it will spread better.


  1. I LOVE cinnamon honey butter. In fact, now I really wish I had some right now!

  2. Katie-I just want you to know I get so hungry when I read your blog and I consider you my domestic baking diva friend. Every once in a while I pull Ryan into the room to show him your creations, but most of the time I avoid it, because then he would say, "Can't you do that?" ha. ANyway, I actaully wanted to tell you I find your blog so entertaining and your writing style is just so natural. I seriously laugh everytime I read your blog. You are a talented Treat lady and writer/blogger, as well as a great friend!

  3. I love it! I am still working with domesticity too. I keep thinking that someday I will bake all my own bread and keep a perfectly organized clean house at all times....but in the meantime maybe I'll just make some cinnamon honey butter. What a great idea! It sounds fabulous!
